In the ongoing expansion of the Houston Independent School District’s magnet program, James D. Ryan Middle School was repurposed to become the Baylor College of Medicine Academy at Ryan Middle School. This middle school magnet program emphasizes preparing students for careers in the STEM field, specifically medicine. With this focus in mind, we reimagined the design of the school, transforming several classrooms to create ten new science laboratories.

The scope of this renovation included new signage and way-finding systems, renovations to the boys’ and girls’ locker rooms, a new gymnasium floor, and restroom renovations to increase accessibility. Renovations to the cafeteria included an outside dining pavilion, and auditorium renovations added new theater seats, flooring, and an AVL system.

To accommodate students from across the city who were primarily arriving by bus, a bus drop with a covered canopy was added. In addition, major infrastructure improvements including the replacement of the existing hydraulic elevator and replacement of the existing chilled water-cooling tower were also provided.